Publishing Design / Augmented Reality / Apps
Carlton Books partnered with NBC Universal to create a series of officially-licensed augmented reality books for the Jurassic World franchise. I co-art directed and co-designed the three books and consulted on UX and UI design for their companion apps.
Jurassic world: Where Dinosaurs Come to Life
WINNER British Book Design & Production Awards '15: Best Interactive Multimedia Book
FINALIST Licensing Awards '15: Best Written, Listening or Learning Range
FINALIST Licensing Awards '15: Best Written, Listening or Learning Range
Jurassic World: From DNA to Indominus Rex
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: Raptor Rescue
Jurassic World is a trademark and copyright © of Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
Text, design and illustration from "Jurassic World: Where Dinosaurs Come to life", "Jurassic World: From DNA to Indominus Rex" and "Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: Raptor Rescue" books and companion apps is copyright © Carlton Books Limited 2019.
Text, design and illustration from "Jurassic World: Where Dinosaurs Come to life", "Jurassic World: From DNA to Indominus Rex" and "Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom: Raptor Rescue" books and companion apps is copyright © Carlton Books Limited 2019.